Your beautiful Irish face + smile. Your adorable giggle. Your genuine love, generosity and concern for your people. Your amazing passion for your work + students. Your elegant cursive handwriting that i could pick out a mile away. Being high school best friends. First crushes and boyfriends. Going on a trip to volunteer at the special Olympics in 8th grade (i think). Sleepovers and Halloweens. Your beautiful violin playing. Your first car that you loved- a dark green firebird I think? The time you picked me up, barefoot, from the end of my driveway because I had a fight with my mom. Sitting in your boat watching you water ski (you were so good at it!). Meeting up with you and your awesome group of college friends, everyone so warm and welcoming. You writing Adam's vows on post-its right before my wedding because he was planning to read them off his phone. You wearing the bridesmaids dress I picked even tho you kind of hated it. I just love you Erin. I figured we had SO MANY more years to make memories. I'm trying to stay busy and constantly moving, but when I stop, my heart is broken.

Oh, Lisa. So sweet. Thank you.