A week ago, I received devastating news that my travel companion, Erin Garry, passed away in her sleep from a heart disease. Mortality has been on many of our minds with COVID-19, but this was no longer something at a distance. Erin was a great individual, a writer and most importantly an educator. She’s been building an amazing school for the poorest amongst us to help break a seemingly unending cycle and was its principal - driving innovation, raising funds, consoling students and faculty, and making what amounts to life or death decisions for them. We sparred, we laughed, we certainly drank, we danced, and we yelled at other tourists ruining our glamor photographs on our trips. Being alone on the other side of the country, I’m left to my thoughts on the open road or on hikes in the mountains and forests and I’ve found my thoughts going to her often. I’m doing what we loved to do and our last conversation was about this trip. She’s with me in the car; however, she’s in the back with her eyes closed trying not to get carsick and asking to pull at the next rest stop! I’ve posted some of my favorites from our trips the last two years. Covid prevented us from doing this year’s trip unfortunately, but for the trips to come, she’ll still be by my side with ones up. Rest In Peace, my friend.

You gave her a lot of joy, Jim. SHe always had a smile in her voice when speaking of your latest adventures!